
企業傭兵 第2季

Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage
一位日本上班族,每天埋首在枯燥無聊的公事, 並受到老闆的霸凌。幸運的他有天終於獲得一點休息時間, 外出幫公司遞送光碟 , 途中竟遭到海盜綁票! 沒想到海盜的生活竟是如此的有趣。Rokuro決定人生重新設定開始, 以Rock 的名字重新出發, 成為綁票者Lagoon集團的旗下一員。然而被竊的光碟卻是個不定時炸彈, 背後藏著Rock不知道的可怕秘密。 
One Japanese salaryman, bogged down by mind numbing office work and getting bullied by his bosses. Just his luck, when he’s finally given some time off to deliver a disc for his company, he gets kidnapped by pirates! Turns out the pirate life is pretty fun. Rokuro decides to embrace this new persona as Rock, becoming a member of his abductors’ crew, Lagoon Company. But uncertainty surrounds the stolen disc, which holds a terrible secret unbeknownst to Rock.


角色介紹 Characters


原名岡島綠郎,深藍色短髮為其特徵,為人正直,內心善良。故事開始時為上班,後在運送公司機密光碟時被Black Lagoon商會綁架。
Okajimi Rokuro is the original name, and his deep blue short hair is the characteristic. He is upright and kind-hearted. At the beginning of the story, he is a salaryman and got kidnapped by Black Lagoon on the way to deliver to disc.


American-born Chinese, orignial name is Rebecca, with wine-red hair and golden-colored eyes and a tatto on her right shoulder. She is good at shooting with two guns, thus has the nickname "Two-Hand."


Black Lagoon商會的會長兼船長,習慣抽美國精神牌香菸,他是Black Lagoon商會的核心,是個讓人感到可靠的領導人。
The chairman and captain of Black Lagoon. He is used to smoking the American spirit cigarette. He is the core of Black Lagoon and a reliable leader.


American Jewish, he's originally one college student in Florida, but he hacks on the internet too much, so is wanted by FBI and the mafia. He is the gadget expert in the team.