MOD 380


The Family Law
2017/03/14 週二21:20首播
改編自暢銷熱賣的同名回憶錄,《The Family Law》的背景設定在昆士蘭省陽光海岸的炎熱酷夏,我們的主人翁是14歲的青少年—班傑明羅,有那麼點自戀、會吹奏黑管,懷抱著有朝一日將成為電視明星的憧憬。

Welcome to The Family Law, the story of a sprawling Chinese-Australian family of seven who are unlike any you’ve ever met. And yet, they may also be disturbingly familiar…

Based on the hit memoir of the same name, The Family Law is set in Queensland’s Sunshine Coast over one hot summer with our narrator, 14-year-old Benjamin Law – a slightly self-obsessed, clarinet-playing middle child with aspirations to be a TV star.

Striving for mainstream stardom whilst trying to stop his parents from splitting up, usually with disastrous results, can be a challenge. As the summer progresses, tensions between family members build and occasions that should be cause for celebration become memories they’ll never forget.

Find yourself caught up in sabotaged expectations, growing pains and the strange combination of affection and embarrassment we often feel towards the people we’re supposed to love the most: our family.

