魔鬼剋星:許多無解的謎題,留待超自然研究專家和冒險勇者Josh Gates與他的小組成員來解惑。《真相大白》即將步入第五季,進行精細、高品質的偵查工作,破解靈異現象與許多的謎團解密,其中包括瓜地馬拉的蒂卡爾瑪雅廢墟與越南叢林,且看他們如何與過去的食人族部落的祖靈進行對話,追蹤大腳怪獸的足跡,拜訪懸棺。歡迎參與本節目的不思議見證之旅。
Ghostbusters? There are many mysteries left unexplained but leave it to paranormal researcher Josh Gates and his crew to get some answers. The Destination Truth team is back for a fifth season of nifty detective work, myth debunking and a whole lot of suspense. From the Mayan ruins of Tikal to the jungles of Vietnam, watch as they deal with spirits of a formerly cannibal village, hunt down a Bigfoot-like creature and visit hanging coffins. Join in for the thrilling ride to Destination Truth!