MOD 620


Supermodelme Femme Fatale
全新時尚再定義: 時尚工業將有大規模改造,因為DIVA將獨家推出全新時尚實境競賽節目秀。這群胸懷偉大的夢想,美麗又超有主見的女孩-就像是針對你胃口打造,將讓你一看成癮。 觀賞十二位亞洲模特兒,如何面對一連串生理與心智的挑戰,從眾佳麗中脫穎而出,獨得三萬五千元的大獎。 由E!亞洲台主持人Dominic Lau 和名模演員Ase Wang擔任導師, Lisa S 主持, 圈選出最具國際明星相的女孩,成為全新超模!

Style reboot: Fashion is about to get a makeover of its own, as DIVA Universal takes over as exclusive regional channel for the hit reality competition series. Big dreams and girls as gorgeous as they are ruthless – sounds like the recipe for your next TV addiction! Watch as 12 Asian models vie to outdo each other in a series of physically and mentally grueling challenges for the grand prize of $35,000. With E! Asia host Dominic Lau and model-actress Ase Wang on board as mentors, and Lisa S hosting, it all comes down to which girl has what it takes for international stardom.


角色介紹 Characters

國際名模 Lisa S

Lisa Selesner

本節目主持人是國際名模,也是帥哥影星吳彥祖的老婆Lisa S。出身美國紐約,擁有中、法、猶太血統的她。14歲時被星探發掘出道,25歲時到香港發展。熱愛旅遊的她也曾當過旅遊節目主持人,也曾當過音樂台的VJ。曾與奧斯卡影帝亞卓安·布洛迪(Adrien Brody)有過三年情史,現在與吳彥祖共組家庭育有一女。

The host is the international model, also the Hong Kong actor, Daniel Wu’ wife, Lisa S.(Lisa Selesner) Born in New York, as the Chinese, French, and Jewish descent, she was discovered by scout when 14 and moved to Hong Kong as a model when 25.  She enjoys travels a lot, she was a host a travel show and a VJ for a music video channel.  She has a 3-year-long relationship with the Oscar-winner Adrien Brody, and now she had Daniel have a family of three with their daughter.

女演員和模特兒-Ase Wang

Actress and Model-Ase Wang

在新加坡出生長大,Ase生於一個少見的中國和瑞典融合家庭。對於媒體和藝術有濃厚興趣,Ase曾走遍全球,傳達她對電影、當模特兒和電視工作的高度熱情和源源不絕的創意。現在居住在泰國曼谷,Ase在泰國演藝圈發展炙手可熱,她的美貌和才華受到泰國民眾支持,曾在泰國票選全世界最性感女人排行榜活動中,獲選第六名,人氣居高不下。除了在世界各大知名雜誌如:FHM、New Women和TV Commercials當封面女郎外,她正在拍攝第一部好萊塢電影 “Prince and Me 4”,擔任女主角Myra公主。

Born and raised in Singapore, Ase is an eclectic mix of Chinese and Swedish parentage.  With a vast passion for media and the arts, Ase finds herself on a journey across the globe expressing her fervor and creativity of film, modeling and television.  Now based in Bangkok, Thailand, Ase’s talent proves to be welcomed with open arms as she tops the Thailand poll, earning 6th place for the Top 10 sexiest women in the world. Besides her constant features as covergirl on a variety of world fashion magazines such as FHM, New Woman and TV commercials, Ase is working on her first Hollywood feature file, ‘Prince and Me 4’, playing the lead role of Princess Myra.

模特兒和電視節目主持人-Dominic Lau

Model and TV Host-Dominic Lau

父親為上海人,母親為英國人,Dominic生於香港並在香港長大,曾在英國讀過兩年寄宿學校。從小就對音樂有熱情,日後長大後真的在Channel V當VJ。除了擔任知名電視節目主持人和模特兒,Dominic也主持多項大型典禮活動,包括2009年的Channel V的泰國音樂錄影帶大獎、2008年香港搖滾音樂節、2006年酷玩樂團亞洲巡迴派對和2009年女神卡卡的巡迴演出啟航派對。

Born to a Shanghainese father and a British mother, Dominic was born and raised in Hong Kong before moving to the UK to study in a boarding school for two years. From a young age, Dominic had a flare for music, and he becomes a VJ on Channel V after grownup.  Besides his success as a Television presenter and model, Dominic has emceed in numerous live events, including the Channel V Thailand Music Video Awards 2009, Hong Kong Rocks Music Festival 2008, Coldplay's Asian Tour Launch Party 2006 and Lady Gaga's Tour Launch Party 2009. 

知名髮型師-Kim Robinson

Hair Stylist-Kim Robinson

他在香江發跡成功的故事已然是傳奇,Kim Robinson為時尚的同義詞,享有傳遍全亞洲的知名度,超過其他世界知名的美麗女性。生於澳洲西部,14歲時,Kim到澳洲技術學院就讀,為自己贏得年度學徒的獎譽。在1974年,他到香港旅行,自此愛上這座城市,也在這邊學習到高超的技巧和迄今不為人知的密技。執業超過30年,他已經參與過全球各大時尚重鎮的時尚秀,作品散見各大時尚雜誌,包括哈潑、Elle, 法國版Vogue,曾受到他服務的座上賓包括:已故的黛安娜王妃、義大利影星伊莎貝拉·羅塞里尼、奧黛莉赫本和超模琳達·伊凡吉莉絲塔、辛蒂克勞馥、娜歐蜜坎貝兒、克莉絲蒂·杜靈頓與凱特·摩絲。他的熱情和眼界讓他成為全世界愛戴的髮型師,每個出自他的手的髮型都是業界最奢華、最別出心裁的作品之一。

With a compelling Hong Kong success story, the name Kim Robinson has become synonymous with style, and is known across Asia and beyond by many of the world’s most beautiful women.  Born in Western Australia, from the age of 14, Kim trained at the Australian Institute of Technology, winning himself the prestigious Apprentice of the Year award. In 1974, he travelled to Hong Kong and began his enduring love affair with the city, bringing with him both his exceptional talent and hitherto unknown techniques.  A career spanning more than 30 years has taken him from catwalks of the world’s fashion capitals to the pages of Harpers Bazaar, Elle, French Vogue, and has attracted an A-list clientele that has included Princess Diana, Isabella Rossellini, Audrey Hepburn, and supermodels Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington and Kate Moss. His passion and vision made him one of the worlds’s most sought after stylists, with his service-oriented studied being the most luxurious and exquisite in the business.