MOD 620

諜影迷情 第5季

Covert Affairs (S5)

在Henry死後, Annie把自己藏起來想要與世隔絕。她海灘度假的說詞騙過了測謊機,卻沒騙過Auggie或Calder。另一方面Annie與一位成了億萬富翁的特種部隊警官建立了錯綜的關係。

After the killing of Henry, Annie has been off the gird. Her story of a quiet stay at a beach convinces a polygraph but not Auggie or Calder. And in the midst of all this, Annie forms a complex relationship with a special forces officer turned billionaire. 


角色介紹 Characters

Annie Walker

Piper Perabo
The heroine, after the missing without a track in the end of the last seaon, she appears again and holds a secret.

Auggies Anderson

Christopher Gorham
前任中情局探員Auggie(Christopher Gorham)在一次任務中因意外失明。現在任職於國家防衛部門的科技部門擔任內勤人員。他之前和Annie相戀,本季剛開始兩人關係尷尬,他仍保護關心Annie。
A former CIA special operative, Auggie (Christopher Gorham) was blinded during a mission. He is now heading up the tech ops department within the DPD. He is the ex of Annie, and this season their relationship is awkward and he still protects and cares about Annie.

Arthur Campbell

Peter Gallagher
The Former  director of the Clandestine Service Department at the CIA. Now he stays at home looking after his baby.

Joan Campbell

Kari Matchett
Joan has managed to ascend higher in the CIA than almost any other woman in a male-dominated agency.This season she is involved in the power war and in the dilemma.