等待救贖: 一個再平常不過的案子,讓FBI情報員Audrey Parker有機會來到港灣小鎮,意外捲入這小鎮裡的超自然災難和謎團。當Audrey 與他的夥伴Nathan出手應付這些受到超自然詛咒的人和事件時,Audrey之所以會來到小鎮,這背後的真相越來越清楚了-這一切原來與她的真實身分有關。本季直接導向Audrey失蹤六個月的事件,狀況變得越來越撲朔迷離。超自然事件變得越來越不可控制,焦黑的屍體到處出現,而Duke遇到謎樣女人─她未曾到過當地,卻與小鎮有關聯。在這團混亂未明當中,他們能找到Audrey嗎?
Help for Haven: When a routine case leads FBI Special Agent Audrey Parker to the small town of Haven, she gets embroiled in the supernatural afflictions that plague it. As Audrey and her partner Nathan face off against The Troubles, the truth behind her arrival in Haven becomes increasingly clear – with a possible link to Audrey’s true identity. This season dives right into things, six months since Audrey’s disappearance, and the situation looks bleaker than ever. The Troubles are getting worse, charred bodies are turning up everywhere and Duke encounters a mysterious woman with a connection to Haven even though she’s never been there. In the midst of all this chaos and uncertainty, will Audrey be found?