MOD 620

唐頓莊園 第2季

Downton Abbey (S2)
這就是戰爭: 情節發展至1916年,第一次世界大戰已經爆發,整個英國陷入混亂中,就算是有財有勢的Crawleys及Granthams家族亦無一倖免。令人期待的第2季故事以戰爭場景開始,不過真正的戰場是在莊園發生的一切…… 在這裡,最破壞性的武器是秘密、謊言及陰謀。當戰線在莊園展開,貴族及傭人被迫走在同一陣線。究竟Sybil小姐能否放低其貴族身分,擔任護士為國家出一分力? Matthew 做了一個令人心碎的決定,但他的行動卻注定失敗收場。同時Violet 與 Rosamund 部署了一個本意是好的陰謀,但最終破壞另一個詭計。究竟 Lavinia及Sir Richard 的關係是否比人們眼見的更為複雜?請不要錯過全新、充滿陰謀的一季—隨著劇情進展,觀眾會發現莊園的一切會變得面目全非。


This means war: It’s 1916 and World War I has exploded. All of England is caught up in the chaos; even the Crawleys and Granthams, wealthy and influential as they are, are not spared. The much-awaited second season of this acclaimed period drama starts in the trenches, but we know the real battlefield is Downton itself… where the most damaging weapons are secrets, lies and schemes.  When the war takes over Downton’s halls, nobility and servants are forced together in unlikely ways. Can Lady Sybil put aside her aristocratic airs to join the war effort as a nurse? Matthew breaks a heart with a decisive but ultimately doomed action, while Violet and Rosamund plot, with the best of intentions, to break another. And is Lavinia’s relationship with Sir Richard more than meets the eye? Don’t miss a minute of this new, intrigue-filled season—you may not recognize Downton Abbey or its residents by the time it’s over.




角色介紹 Characters

Mrs. Hughes

Phyllis Logan

Mrs. Hughes是女管家,負責莊園的裡裡外外,管理所有女僕。她是個不帶感情,但是品行端正、很正派的人。她尊重,並且在某種程度上保護著Carson,但她是個非常嚴厲的管家。

The housekeeper, Mrs Hughes is responsible for the house and its appearance. She is unsentimental but moral and decent. She is a kind woman but she feels her strength is derived from the fear she inspires.

John Bates

Brendan Coyle

伯爵的貼身侍從,只聽從主人的指揮。侍奉他穿衣,陪伴他每次出行。John Bates是一名退伍士兵,在第二次布林戰爭期間曾是Robert的勤務兵。他在戰爭中受過傷,走路有些跛,他防備心理很強,對於Robert非常忠誠。他對Anna很有好感,但出於某種原因他一直未曾表態。

The valet. John Bates dresses his master and accompanies him on every journey. An exsoldier, John Bates was Robert’s batman during the Boer War. After a war injury left him with a limp he is fiercely loyal to Robert for giving him another chance.



Siobhan Finneran


The lady’s maid. O’Brien’s responsibilities are to Lady Grantham. O’Brien is a watchful, vengeful, malign spinster. She has sacrificed all thoughts of family and hearth to advance in her profession. She may seem to flatter Lady Grantham but ultimately she will always follow her own interest.


Joanne Froggatt


The head housemaid. Anna comes from a background of tenant farming and service. She feels she may have missed her chance at marriage. She is clever and resourceful with a thoroughly sympathetic character, appreciated by Mary and Edith.


Rob James-Collier

Thomas是第一男僕,自視甚高,覺得其他僕人都是土得掉渣的鄉巴佬。他是個謊話精,一個生性陰暗,喜歡偷偷摸摸的人,一直在等候出頭的機會。但這意味著他需要離開唐頓莊園,他希望成為貼身侍從,但Mr. Bates的位置穩如泰山。所以他巴結所有有錢的訪客,看能否謀得一個職位。他在莊園內的夥伴是O’Brien,兩人都是自私自利的人。

The first footman. Thomas thinks he is a fine fellow and that most of his fellow workers are country bumpkins who know nothing. He is a liar and a petty thief and he is always on the look out for the main chance. He is also gay and knows at least one of the family’s visitors better than might be expected. His natural ally in the house is O’Brien.


Thomas Howes


The second footman. William is a fool and Thomas has no hesitation in using him to do his own work. William is very loyal to his parents. He is their only child and his home was a happy one. But his talent is in caring for horses, not serving in a grand dining room.

Mr. Carson

Jim Carter

Mr. Carson是男管家,負責管理食物、酒窖和餐廳,所有的男僕都要向他彙報。男管家通常都是單身漢,沒有家庭的牽絆,Carson很小的時候就在唐頓莊園工作。他或多或少成為老伯爵遺孀的代言人,沒有那麼忠於現任伯爵夫人。他本能的支持Mary小姐,反對外來入侵的新繼承人。

The butler. Carson is in charge of the dining room and has worked at Downton since he was a boy. He constantly sides with Lady Mary, whom he genuinely loves as a surrogate daughter, against her interloping cousin.


Matthew Crawley

Dan Stevens

Matthew是伯爵的遠房堂侄,一名在曼徹斯特執業的律師, 專攻公司法。他得知自己要繼承爵位以及唐頓的家產,受邀搬到了莊園內,但他要求必須繼續工作。對於這個外來入侵者Cora感到憤怒,然而她又決定將三個女兒中的一個嫁給Matthew,於是乎對他的態度又非常糾結。Mary視Matthew為備胎,Edith視其為報復工具,Sybil則視其為舊體制的一部分。

Matthew is a third cousin, once removed, of Lord Grantham. Matthew is qualified as a solicitor and practices in Manchester. Now, he finds himself heir to an earldom and a large estate and he is invited to move there and to become part of the local community.

Lady Sybil Crawley

Jessica Brown Findlay


Sybil is the family rebel. She is fiercely political, devoted to the cause of votes for women, and generally angered by injustice everywhere. She is detached from most of the family quarrels about inheritance, as she doesn’t care about it.

Lady Edith Crawley

Laura Carmichael


Edith resents Mary. She is less good looking and less sought after, but no less ambitious. Their rivalry is fuelled by the fact that she genuinely loved the dead heir, Patrick, but no one took her feelings seriously. Soon she will be curious about the new heir, and will eventually attempt to use him to be revenged on Mary.


Lady Mary Crawley

Michelle Dockery


Clever and good-looking, Mary assumed that with the death of her cousins she would inherit the estate. The realisation of a new heir infuriates her, particularly when she learns that her father refuses to fight for her rights.



Elizabeth McGovern


Cora is the beautiful daughter of a dry goods multi-millionaire. She arrived in England, at the age of 20, and was engaged to Robert by the end of her first season. At the insistence of her father-in-law she accepted a clause tying her money to the estate, assuming she would have a boy who would become heir. Now, she feels that her money is going to a complete stranger.


Hugh Bonneville

Robert一直過著簡單的生活。他1889年迎娶了來自美國的女繼承人Cora,雖然娶她很大程度是想用她的錢幫助唐頓莊園渡過財政危機,但隨著時間的推移,兩人的感情也日益加深。他們的婚姻合約上寫明,女方的財富一旦投資在家產上從此便密不可分。Robert和他的妻子都沒有預料到這個條款今後會引發問題,因為他們都自信的以為必有子嗣,而如今他們卻只有三個女兒,Mary、Edith和Sybil。本劇開始時,Robert的堂兄James Crawley及他的兒子Patrick是法定的繼承人,但是不久後傳來他們在鐵達尼號上的死訊。

The Earl of Grantham has lived an uncomplicated life until now. He married his wife, Cora, an American heiress, in 1889, largely for her money and although there is no denying her cash put the estate back on its feet, over time they have grown to love one another deeply. Although without an heir to the estate he worries about his daughters uncertain future.


Maggie Smith

Grantham老伯爵遺孀Violet(Maggie Smith)。Violet是現任Grantham伯爵Robert的母親,她對兒子很自豪、很忠誠,但卻難以忍受她的美國兒媳,視其為外來入侵者,一個為了家族利益不得已而做出的妥協。而Cora則覺得Violet嫁來時沒為家族帶來任何財產,雙方都認為自己比對方高人一等。在公開場合,Violet支持她已故丈夫的安排,但事實上,隨著Patrick的亡故,她更希望由孫女Mary而不是什麼陌生人繼承財產。這就為兩位伯爵夫人統一戰線,策動Robert推翻限定繼承鋪平了道路。當遠房繼承人和他中產階級的母親來到莊園後,她發現處境變得更加難以忍受了,儘管她也像Cora一樣覺得將Mary嫁給Matthew不失為一種解決方案。

Robert’s mother is immensely proud and loyal to her son and insufferable to her daughter-in-law. She was born the daughter of a baronet but had virtually no money. When the cross-breed heir arrives, with his middle class mother, she finds the situation intolerable, even if she, like Cora, sees one solution in Matthew marrying Mary.