MOD 627


Indian Horse
2021/03/14 週日 21:00 首播


根據理查德瓦格梅斯(Richard Wagamese)的暢銷小說改編,描述一名歐及布威族男孩Saul Indian Horse的故事。他從原生家庭被帶走,安置在加拿大惡名昭彰的天主教寄宿學校,最終找到自己在世界上的位置。小說在2012年出版,獲得各界好評。


Saul Indian Horse從小就從家人身邊被帶走,他努力擺脫加拿大寄宿學校的可怕經驗,在意想不到的地方——冰上曲棍球場,找回身為原住民的尊嚴。


導演:史蒂芬坎柏奈力(《即刻殺機》、《賭命運轉手》、《Grand Isle》)


製片公司:Devonshire Productions,Screen Siren Pictures

演員:馬丁唐納文(《Big Little Lies》,《華氏451度》,《Homeland》)

福雷斯特·古德勒克(《復仇者》,《Designated Survivor》)

阿居華克卡派肖西特(《Once Upon A River》)








  • 《擊出自由夢》是2018年加拿大賣座片之一。
  • 史萊登佩爾蒂爾入圍加拿大影視學院最佳男配角。
  • 2018年利奧獎2項殊榮:
  • 最佳視覺效果
  • 最佳音效
  • 2018年利奧獎5項提名:
  • 最佳電影
  • 最佳導演
  • 最佳編劇
  • 最佳剪輯
  • 最佳配樂
  • 2018年Available Light影展最佳加拿大劇情片,觀眾票選獎。
  • 2017年卡加利國際電影節最佳敘事場片,觀眾票選獎。
  • 2017年薩德伯里電影節最佳長片入圍。
  • 2018年加拿大導演工會長片類電影美術傑出成就獎入圍。
  • 2017年艾德蒙頓國際電影節,觀眾票選獎。
  • 2018年聖地亞哥國際電影節,庫米亞伊鷹獎,影展大獎。
  • 2018年上海國際電影節,加拿大焦點入圍。
  • 2020年加拿大作曲家、作家和音樂出版社協會(SOCAN)獎,長片配樂成就獎。
  • 2019年加拿大影視服裝設計聯盟(CAFTCAD)獎,最佳服裝設計入圍。
  • 2017年溫哥華國際電影節,超級頻道觀眾票選獎,史蒂芬坎柏奈力。
  • 2018年加拿大維多利亞影展,最佳敘事長片。
  • 加州美國印第安人及原住民電影節,觀眾票選獎。
  • 紅色國度電影節三項大獎
  • 最佳女配角,伊娃格雷耶斯
  • 最佳男配角,韋恩加塞迪斯貝克
  • 最佳男主角,阿居華克卡派肖西特
  • 紅色國度電影節三項入圍
  • 2018年最佳影片
  • 最佳女配角,



  • 最佳男主角



  • 加拿大安大略省薩德伯里。
  • 加拿大安大略省彼得伯勒。


  • 「……原始而真實……」(溫哥華周刊)
  • 「……瓦格梅斯寫了一本令人難忘的精彩小說。」(國家郵報)
  • 「瓦格梅斯找到完美的平衡點,揭露加拿大寄宿學校可怕氛圍的同時,也頌揚加拿大的國民運動。」(環球郵報)
  • 「歡笑和眼淚的完美平衡。」(Mad About Movies podcast)
  • 《擊出自由夢》訴說了一個悲傷而迷人的故事。本片以三段敘事呈現,涵蓋了Saul一生中從1950年代末到1970年代的事件。三位演員流暢詮釋Saul,分別是6歲的史萊登佩爾蒂爾,15歲的福瑞斯古德勒克,以及22歲的阿居華克卡派肖西特。
  • 《擊出自由夢》是一部值得矚目的好片。《多倫多星報》



  • 改編自理查德瓦格梅斯的獲獎小說《Indian Horse》。
  • 本片大多在安大略省基拉尼周邊地區拍攝。這個小鎮有三百個居民。
  • 本片從2017年12月開始在各個電影節巡迴放映,包括多倫多國際電影節和溫哥華國際電影節。



  • 「製片花費時間找來許多素人原住民演員,片中共有52個有台詞的原住民角色,多虧他們的奉獻才能把故事完整搬上銀幕。我很榮幸能與他們一起完成這部重要的作品。」理查德瓦格梅斯,原著小說作者




Language: English



Saul Indian Horse is an indigenous man who was forcefully removed from his family when he was a young boy. Placed in a strict boarding school, he struggles to find peace with his life. He eventually finds salvation in the unlikeliest of places – hockey.



Recounting the story of Saul Indian Horse and his remarkable journey from a northern Ojibway child torn from his family and placed in one of Canada’s notorious Catholic residential schools, to a man who ultimately finds his place in the world, Richard Wagamese’s best-selling novel rose to critical acclaim when first published in 2012.



Torn from his family as a young boy, Saul Indian Horse struggles to break free of the horrors of the Canadian residential school system and redeem his dignity as an indigenous man by finding salvation in the unlikeliest of places — the game of hockey.


Director:          Stephen S. Campanelli (Momentum, The Mule, Grand Isle)

Producers:               4 Times Oscar Winner Clint Eastwood (Million Dollar baby,

American Sniper, Invictus), Paula Devonshire, Trish Dolman,

Christine Haebler

Production Co:        Devonshire Productions, Screen Siren Pictures

Cast:                        Martin Donovan (Big Little Lies, Fahrenheit 451, Homeland)

Forrest Goodluck (The Revenant, Designated Survivor)

Ajuawak Kapashesit (Once Upon A River)

Sladen Peltier


Director’s Biography

Stephen Campanelli, started his career as a steadicam operator, when it was quite a rarity in Canada, and quickly became the most sought after operator in the country. He was the first to combine “A” Camera operating and steadicam, and in doing so unlocked an entirely new filmmaking perspective that quickly peaked the interests of some of Hollywood's top directors including Stephen's boyhood idol: Clint Eastwood. Stephen first joined Clint on the Oscar and Golden Globe nominated Bridges of Madison County and has remained Clint's most trusted "camera eye" ever since. They have collaborated on the Oscar winning films, Million Dollar Baby and Mystic River, the Oscar nominated Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima, and their successful films Gran Torino, Sully and American Sniper. They have just finished their latest, 21st collaboration,15:17 to Paris.

Clint, and numerous other prominent directors, have entrusted Stephen with crucial on-set directorial decisions, and have relied on his expertise and guidance for many years now. After over 23 years by Clint's side, Stephen jokingly confesses to being a graduate of the "University of Clint Eastwood", having learned all of the maestro's directing secrets. Stephen is following in the footsteps of a great story-telling director, who has shared with him his vast knowledge, not only of directing, but of acting, and what it is like to be an actor before a daunting camera.

Now, with Clint’s blessing and the admiration of every cast and crew he has worked with, on the over 65 motion pictures listed in his resume, Stephen Campanelli has made the natural leap to the director's chair, having helmed two motion pictures, Momentum (2015), starring Olga Kurylenko, James Purefoy and Morgan Freeman. He is proud and honoured to present to you, his latest feature film, Indian Horse.



  • Indian Horse, One of 2018’s Top-Grossing Canadian Films, Box Office.
  • Sladen Peltier, Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role Nominee, Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television.
  • 2 Wins at the Leo Awards, 2018:
  • Best Visual Effects
  • Best Sound
  • 5 Nominations at the Leo Awards, 2018:
  • Best Motion Picture
  • Best Director
  • Best Screenwriting
  • Best Picture Editing
  • Best Musical Score
  • Best Canadian Fiction, Audience Award, Available Light FF, 2018.
  • Best Narrative Feature, Audience Award, Calgary IFF, 2017.
  • Best Feature Film Nominee, Cinefest Sudbury, 2017.
  • Outstanding Achievement in Production Design – Feature Film Nominee, Directors Guild of Canada, 2018.
  • Audience Choice, Edmonton IFF, 2017.
  • Kumeyaay Eagle Award, Festival Award, San Diego IFF, 2018.
  • Focus Canada Nominee, Shanghai IFF, 2018.
  • Achievement in Feature Film Music, SOCAN Awards, 2020.
  • Best Costume Design in Film Period Nominee, The CAFTCAD Awards, 2019.
  • Stephen S. Campanelli, Super Channel People’s Choice Award, Vancouver IFF, 2017.
  • Best Feature Film, Victoria FF, Canada, 2018.
  • Winner, Audience Award CAIFF, California American Indian and Indigenous Film Festival
  • 3 Wins at the Red Nation Film Festival  
  • Winner Outstanding Actress in a Supporting Role - Eva Greyeyes 
  • Winner Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Role - Wayne Gausedis Baker 
  • Winner Best Actor - Ajuawak Kapashesit 
  • 3 Nominations at the Red Nation Film Festival  
  • 2018 Best Picture - Indian Horse
  • Outstanding Actress in a Supporting Role:

Edna Manitowabi

Melanie McLaren   

  • Best Actor 

Forrest Goodluck

Film Locations (IMDB):

  • Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
  • Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.



  • “...raw and authentic...“ Vancouver Weekly
  • “...Wagamese crafts an unforgettable work of art.“ National Post
  • “Wagamese pulls off a fine balancing act: exposing the horrors of the country’s residential schools while also celebrating Canada’s national game.“ Globe & Mail
  • “Cox is a wonder to watch, and seeing him in this gentle, vulnerable role, also spouting folk tales  and seductions in ancient Scottish Gaelic, is a treat.“ Los Angeles Times
  • “The balance of laughter and tears is perfect.“ Mad About Movies
  • “Indian Horse” is a haunting tale tinged by a pervasive sadness. Told in three acts, it covers events in Saul’s life from the late 1950s through the 1970s. The three actors who portray Saul – Sladen Peltier at 6, Forrest Goodluck at 15, and Ajuawak Kapashesit at 22 – present a seamless transition between the acts. 
  • Indian Horse endures and commands attention. Toronto Star


Trivia (IMDB):

  • Based on the award-winning novel "Indian Horse" by Richard Wagamese.
  • That a good portion of this movie was filmed in the surrounding area of Killarney, Ontario. A small town of three hundred people.
  • Toured film festivals starting in December 2017, including the Toronto International Film Festival and the Vancouver International Film Festival.


  • “The producers have taken the time to bring unheralded and unknown Indigenous actors to the screen and the 52 Indigenous speaking parts are a testament to their devotion to the integrity of the story. I'm proud to have worked with them on this vital project.” Richard Wagamese, author of Indian Horse, the novel.