
現代愛情觀 第2季

Whitney (S2)
威廉王子和凱特王妃,閃邊去: Whitney要結婚了,這才是世紀婚禮。 古靈精怪的Whitney是十足的不婚族, 她對現代愛情的批判,既粗魯又麻辣,令人捧腹大笑。當她終於決定嫁給交往三年的男朋友,Alex, 婚禮就成了今年要敲鑼打鼓的世紀大事囉。但後續還會有其他的發展?  讓我們一起看下去,在Whitney和Alex混亂的公證結婚,次上情侶刺青與非比尋常的誓約後醒來的隔天早上…,兩人「清醒」後會發生什麼事。Whitney和Alex在銀行開了一個聯合帳戶,這夫妻帳戶帶給這對夫婦一場震撼教育-他們各持截然不同且好笑的看法與理由。


Move over, William and Kate: Whitney's wedding is the wedding of the decade. Quirky Whitney is the ultimate anti-bride, whose brutally frank opinions on modern romance are full of irreverent humor. So when she finally agrees to marry Alex, her boyfriend of three years, it's the event of the year. Or is it?  Find out when Whitney and Alex wake up the morning after their chaotic City Hall wedding with matching tattoos… and a very unusual agreement. And when Whitney and Alex decide to open a joint bank account, what they find inside the conjugal piggy bank leaves both of them in shock—for wildly different (and very funny) reasons.


角色介紹 Characters


Maulik Pancholy

Maulik Pancholy在本劇中飾演Neal,一位真正的現代文藝復興男子,生性敏感、酷帥,對於各方面事物都有涉獵,略知一二。Neal和Lily(Zoe Lister-Jones飾)交往,兩人的關係看似完美無瑕。Pancholy已經讓自己成為好萊塢群星裡最獨特,最多才多藝和令人印象深刻的演員之一。他和麗莎庫卓演對手戲,共同飾演Showtime喜劇”Web Therapy”,此劇由麗莎庫卓創作,描述一名治療師每週三分鐘的療程用視訊來治療病人。

Maulik Pancholy stars in the NBC multi-camera comedy "Whitney" as Neal – a real modern-day Renaissance man, who is sensitive, cool and knows a little bit about everything. Neal is dating Lily (Zoe Lister-Jones) in what seems like a perfect relationship.  Pancholy has established himself as one of Hollywood’s most distinctive, versatile and impressive performers. Pancholy has be seen opposite Lisa Kudrow in the Showtime comedy "Web Therapy." Created by Kudrow, the comedy follows a therapist who treats patients via webcam in three-minute weekly sessions.


Rhea Seehorn

本劇中飾演Roxanne,一位離婚,直言不諱,有話直說的女子,對於愛情還抱持著希望。Seehorn在維吉尼亞州長大,大學念的是戲劇和視覺藝術。受過學院理論訓練後,在華盛頓特區接受扎實的技巧訓練,參與許多演出,包括Arena Stage和擔任Woolly Mammoth Theater Company的成員。之後搬到曼哈頓,在Playwrights Horizons演出。在百老匯初登場是在Neil Simon的《百老匯的45秒》擔任替角演員。很快地,她成為影集” "I’m with Her”的固定演員,和Teri Polo、David Sutcliffe和Danny Comden一起演出。

Rhea Seehorn stars in the NBC multi-camera comedy "Whitney" as Roxanne, a divorcee who is not afraid to speak her mind, but has not given up on love completely.  Seehorn grew up in Virginia and graduated from college with a degree in drama and visual arts. Theatrically trained, she further developed her craft in Washington D.C., performing on many stages including Arena Stage and the Woolly Mammoth Theater Company, where she is a member of the acting company. Seehorn then moved to Manhattan, performing with Playwrights Horizons. She made her Broadway debut as an understudy in Neil Simon’s "45 Seconds from Broadway." Shortly thereafter, she was cast as a series regular on "I’m with Her" opposite Teri Polo, David Sutcliffe and Danny Comden.


Dan O’Brien

Dan O’Brien在本劇中飾演Mark。一位住在Whitney (Whitney Cummings飾)和Alex (Chris D’Elia飾)隔壁的員警。他自稱是玩遍天下美眉的玩家和終極黃金單身漢,但總是喜歡說大話。O’Brien在紐約百老匯有豐富的演出經驗,曾在The Atlantic Theater Company, MCC, The Present Company, The Flea Theater和The Vineyard Theater等劇團演出。在英國,他曾在倫敦的Camden People劇團演出,參與愛丁堡藝術節,獲得Scotsman Fringe First Award獎項肯定。和妻子─劇作家Julie Shavers合作,他製作導演了四齣劇,最近的作品是” Silver Bullet Trailer,”由Royal Court Theater和Present Company演出,在紐約的Ohio戲院上演。

Dan O’Brien stars in the NBC multi-camera comedy "Whitney" as Mark, a police officer who lives next door to Whitney (Whitney Cummings) and Alex (Chris D’Elia). He claims to be the ultimate player and eternal bachelor, but likes to talk a big game.  O’Brien has worked extensively in theater in New York City with The Atlantic Theater Company, MCC, The Present Company, The Flea Theater and The Vineyard Theater, among others. In the UK, O’Brien has performed at the Camden People’s Theater in London and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, garnering a Scotsman Fringe First Award for his work. With his wife and playwright-in-residence, Julie Shavers, he has directed and produced four plays, most recently "Silver Bullet Trailer," which was developed with the Royal Court Theater and Present Company and performed at The Ohio Theater in New York.


Zoe Lister-Jones

Zoe Lister-Jones在本劇中飾演Lily,一位甜美、時尚的女子,對於想要嫁給心目中的完美男人,天命真子Neal(Maulik Pancholy飾)一點都不感到抱歉。Lister-Jones是一位出身紐約布魯克林區的演員,作家和製作人。她的電影《分手事件》,她與編劇共同譜寫,製作和主演,由Daryl Wein執導的電影,在2010年由IFC發行。Lister-Jones接著演出Fox Searchlight的新片” Lola Versus”,同樣也由她共同編劇和製作。除此之外她還參與其他電影演出包括《B咖戰警》、《特務間諜》、《絕對陰謀》、《影子的讚歌》和” Stuck Between Stations”。

Zoe Lister-Jones stars in the NBC multi-camera comedy "Whitney" as Lily, who is sweet, upbeat and unapologetic about wanting to get married to her "perfect man," Neal (Maulik Pancholy).  Lister-Jones is a Brooklyn-born actor, writer and producer. Her film "Breaking Upwards," which she co-wrote, produced and starred in with director Daryl Wein, was released theatrically by IFC in 2010. Lister-Jones is next starring in Fox Searchlight’s upcoming "Lola Versus," which she co-wrote and is producing. In addition, she has recently appeared in the feature films "The Other Guys," "Salt," "State of Play," "Shadows and Lies" and "Stuck Between Stations."


Chris D’Elia

Chris D’Elia在本劇中飾演女主角Whitney的男友Alex,一位隨和,好相處的聰明男子,賣了他的網路公司,和長年交往的女友Whitney開心過日子。Chris D’Elia,在美國東岸出生,西岸長大。在洛杉磯發跡,每週晚上都在參與演出,很快就變成好萊塢各大俱樂部的固定演出班底。他傻氣、單純的肢體上的幽默搞笑技巧讓他和其他的喜劇演員有所區別。

Chris D’Elia stars in the NBC multi-camera comedy "Whitney" as Alex, an easygoing, smart guy who sold his Internet company and is happily unmarried to his longtime girlfriend, Whitney (Whitney Cummings).  Comedian D’Elia, East Coast-born and West Coast-raised, found himself in Los Angeles, performing every night of the week and quickly becoming a regular at all the Hollywood clubs. His silly, physical humor is what sets him apart from other comedians.


Whitney Cummings

女孩有意思:在這齣新上映的熱鬧情境喜劇中,主演的是喜劇演員Whitney Cummings,其對於兩性關係的機智和獨特觀點,讓她在演員、作家、顧問和製片人等多重角色攀上高峰。除了在《House》和《Punk’d》等影集 也有演出之外,她亦是《2 Broke Girls》影集的執行製作和共同創作人。

Funny girl: Starring in this hilarious new sitcom is stand-up comedienne Whitney Cummings, whose brash wit and unique perspective on dating and relationships has led to her successful career as an actor, writer, consultant, adviser, and producer. In addition to having worked on series like House and Punk’d, she is also the executive producer and co-creator of the series 2 Broke Girls.