MOD 381


Road To E! People’s Choice Awards
2019/01/01 週二 20:30

E!頻道在聖塔莫尼卡,帶給你充滿加州陽光與好萊塢風情,星光熠熠的《星光大道紅地毯:2018全美觀眾票選 獎》。 跟著E!頻道主持人伊凡特金與雷蒙古鐵雷斯,為你獨家專訪來自洛杉磯的國際超大咖巨星,一同與主持人深入進 行這趟眾所期待的頒獎典禮的旅程,直擊獨家幕後花絮搶先看與如置身典禮活動中的耀眼星光魅力,現在就一起 踏上這趟E!全美觀眾票選獎之路!

E! brings you Cali sunshine, Hollywood style, right in the heart of Santa Monica for the star-studded red carpet - the 2018 E! PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS. Follow E! Asia hosts Yvette King and Mond Gutierrez as they bring you exclusive interviews with the world’s biggest celebrities from Los Angeles. Get insider access and follow the journey of Yvette and Mond as they build up to the highly anticipated award show with exclusive behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, glam look inspirations all the way to being front and centre at the main event. Follow their Road to the E! PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS!
