迎接一場最華麗的時尚風暴,E!頻道將與美國同步現場轉播今年2018的全美民選獎。直擊所有最新的時尚趨 勢,指標人物,和活動現場的多位當紅男女明星!本月一定要鎖定收看今年最星光耀眼的年度盛事和明星訪 問,都都只在E!頻道!
Cue a fashion storm as E! brings full coverage of the Red Carpet looks at the 2018 People’s Choice Awards. Join E! LIVE in spotting ALL the fashion trends, icons, hits and misses at the exclusive event! Watch the evening’s most gush-worthy celebrity moments, interviews and arrivals this November!