MOD 620


Missing Daughter
2018/3/6 週二22:30首播

縱使她的丈夫Ben過去有外遇緋聞,Kara還是選擇和他,與他們三歲的養女Riley,過著平靜與快樂的日子,當Kara決定雇用Alyssa當Riley的新保母,她完全不知道她曾經是Ben的外遇緋聞對象。對於Alyssa與Ben 的關係一無所知的情況下,保母Alyssa的行徑不僅令Kara抓狂,每天慢慢地已經跨越了她可容忍的界線。情況漸漸明朗,她不是專門來照顧Riley的,她想要從她的身邊把Ben與Riley帶走。Alyssa的計謀可能得逞,成功偷走Kara的家庭嗎?

Despite her husband Ben’s past affairs, Kara lives a quiet and happy life with him and their 3-year old adopted daughter Riley. When Kara hires Alyssa, a new nanny for Riley, she has no idea that she is one of Ben’s past mistresses. Unaware of Alyssa’s connection to Ben, Kara is distraught by Alyssa’s action as the nanny oversteps her boundaries more and more everyday. It soon becomes clear that she is not here to take care of Riley. Instead, she wants to take Riley and Ben away from Kara. Will Alyssa succeed in stealing Kara’s family?
