MOD 620


Bethenny & Fredrik (S1)
2018/2/7起 每週三21:30,與美同日首播

Bethenny曾是Fredrik的客戶和好友,但兩人從不曾合夥經營事業過,現在他們將成為事業夥伴!對紐約房產市場有遠大目標,他們要一起翻修房屋,希望藉此能有優渥收入。而在合作過程中,當然會面臨各種問題挑戰以及兩人感情的磨合。他們能夠證明閨蜜好友也能當事業夥伴嗎?由《紐約嬌妻的真實生活》Bethenny Frankel和《紐約百萬豪宅Fredrik Eklund領銜主持。

Bethenny has been Fredrik's client, and friend... but never his business partner. Until now. The pair have big ambitions in the New York real estate game, but as they're renovating a property together and hoping for a large profit, they also need to navigate the ups and downs of their personal relationship. Can they come together when it counts to prove that you can mix business with  friendship? Featuring "Real Housewives of New York City" star Bethenny Frankel and" Million Dollar Listing's" Fredrik Eklund.

