MOD 381


Citizen Rose
2018/5/23 每週三22:00首播

短短十天內,在那些想使她噤聲的人們虎視眈眈下,藝人/社會運動家蘿絲麥高文歷經了被逮捕、會見前美國總統歐巴馬,以及成為時代雜誌的「年度風雲人物」之一的種種事件。《CITIZEN ROSE》反映著這戲劇般變化的社會。跟著麥高文看她的回憶錄/宣言《BRAVE》的籌備發行,《CITIZEN ROSE》正是麥高文的生活:她的藝術、她的#玫瑰軍(#ROSEARMY),她的龐克主張,和她用來治癒人心的音樂。與好萊塢的固有體制對抗,麥高文已展現出在逆境下的真勇氣,這部紀錄片將帶你了解她喧鬧而迷人的幕後生活,她將幾乎無時無刻地為這股強大社會變革而戰,並幫助眾多與她一樣受傷害的人們,勇敢發聲。

Artist and activist Rose McGowan has helped ignite a cultural revolution by bravely addressing sexual abuse and harassment in Hollywood, while defying those who would silence her. This documentary series gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at Rose's world as she continues to speak out and inspire others during this important moment of societal change. Now a leading voice of a cultural movement, Rose's life is as complex and captivating as ever. The series follows Rose as she readies her new memoir, "Brave," creates the art though which she heals, and fights back against those trying to bring her down.
